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Strengthening resilience: sustainable adaptation to climate change in flood-affected areas of Assam
through multisectoral prevention & adaptation mechanisms and advocacy
PAD is partnered with Terre Des Hommes Germany and North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS), working in flood-affected areas of Lakhimpur and Majuli Districts in Assam.
Project Objectives
Facilitate Community Mobilisation
Establish Village-level Disaster Management Committees, disaster response Task Forces, Village Disaster Management Plans, and connect the community to existing disaster management networks.
Boost Income-Diversification
Provide opportunities for training and access to resources for alternative income streams in local communities, and improve links with government support schemes.
Strengthen and Support Lobbying on behalf of Local Communities
Lobby local and regional government bodies, conduct original research, and support local advocacy to bring attention to issues in disaster-affect communities.
Climate Change in Assam At a Glance
Project Locations
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